Male Scammer Barry Life

Scammer Barry Life

 11 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Barry
Location [Address]: Canadaunknown victoria
Age: 52

Reports :

"Hello Janet,
I appreciate you taking much of your time to write me about you. It's pretty cool getting to know some things about you at first. I also got your pic and I must say you're a very beautiful woman and you catch my interest also. I'm also gonna tell you much more about myself. I'm Originally from Bahamas but was Born and raised a lil in Brazil cos my Dad was a missionary. I have my home and live in Rochester NY. I had 2years relationship with my ex before we eventually got married 10yrs ago. Along the line of the journey I discovered I'm not getting all the faithfulness and sincerity I give in return and it got more worse before we got divorced. I'm a man that ""when I love I love completely"" and ""whatever I give I give it completely"" and I'm always ready to make up the best for my family cos I believe that's my future but all I had in mind was turned down, I never thought of opening my heart for love again but I had good people around me who made me realized things happens for reasons and God does have the best plans for us all so my Hope, Believe and Aim still Stands.
I work with the US Army and has been in service for 16yrs now. I'm normally Stationed in the Fort Hamilton Military Base Brooklyn NY and Currently the Troops Leader for the Soldiers from my Base on deployment to nigeria on Peace-Keeping mission against the Terrorists there and we've been here for few weeks now and which I guess should be my last deployment in Service.
Happiness is the most important thing to me in this world and I believe a pure happiness comes from a successful Marital world, I pray to God everyday and I believe He'll never let me down. I plan to start my retirement process as soon as God grants my prayers with the my forever companion so I could have the full time and moment for my family.
I'm also attaching a pic for you in return.
Are you on Hangout.? So we could have instant conversation sometimes in our free times.
I hope to hear back from you soon
Stay good
Barry Life."



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