Male Scammer Bruce Torress

Scammer Bruce Torress

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First Name: Bruce
Location [Address]: New Yorkunknown New York city
Age: 55
Phone: 6144014451

Bruce Torress

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Reports :

"Good Morning my Queen,
I live alone now Linda but I've been mostly on duty since after my divorce cos I can't stand moving and sleeping alone in the house, I can't stand the loneliness. I don't really have a close friend around where I live cos I'm a very selective type when it comes to that. Most men out there today doesn't know what they want in their lives, some doesn't believe in God and live their lives just the way they want and doesn't care about anything. I don't criticize people's ways life but I just choose to move with the people with same faith and believe as me and I pray to God to change the mind of the bad people so they can turn good and walk in the path of God. I have good persons here in the Army among my men, they are the ones beside me in the picture I sent you. But if you wanna know my best and closest friend that has always been with me right from the first day and has always been with me in the good and bad times, his name his MUSIC. Smiles.
I always talk to you beside my bed when I'm done for the day and I'm in same room with some of my men. I believe you could see where I am in the picture I sent you and you could see I'm not the only one in the room. we took those pictures in our first week of our arrival.
I'll also love to hear your voice too but they got a very poor technology here, their Base phone is not always available for usage and has only worked twice since our arrival. I'm glad I have your contact now so I'm looking out for the next time it's available so I can make use of that opportunity to reach you.
I'll also be going to the christian fellowship now and you're gonna be the topic of my prayers and also thank God for the Blessings and Happiness he has give to me and make me feel so much alive again.
My Love, There are even times when I awake, I realize that you've been a part of my dreams. Then during the day, when my imagination is free to run, it takes me into your arms and allows me to linger there knowing there's nothing I'd rather do. I know my thoughts are only reflecting the loving hopes of my heart because whenever they wander, they always take me to you. Only the most special things in my world get to come inside my heart and stay. And now, I realize how deeply my life has been touched by you.
I love you so much Linda.
Warm hugs and kisses for you
All my love stands for you always cos you're a God'sent woman to my life.
Your Bruce Torress."



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