Scammer Chris Anderson
★★★★☆ 11 ratings     
Scam Danger:
Details |
First Name: | Chris |
Location [Address]: | 2819 S. Fairfax St. Denver, CO 80222 105 Airport Road, Maryland, Lagos Nigeria 23401 107 Biola Street, Maryland, Lagos, Nigeria 23401 |
Age: | |
Aka: | |
Aliases: | |
Phone: |
Reports :
letterPhotos used stolen from a man on FB Real account. Stolen photos have been removed. Uses What's App, claims to be alone since wife Sarah died of cancer, looking for love. Claims love very quickly. Goes on overseas trip to Kuala Lumpar for civil engineer job to build 3 million bridge project. Runs out of funding and needs help, but is offering to spend all of his savings and rest of his life on person who helps them, all these wonderful 5 star trips planned never work again.