Male Scammer Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

Scammer Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

 11 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Davis Wood
Location [Address]:
Age: 57
Aliases: Davis Wood, Bradley Thompson, David Grant, John Brwon, Grytsenko Ivan

Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Davis Wood Bradley Thompson

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Reports :

He contact me via facebook messenger, we got chatting and thought to have gotten to know him. He said he Had a contract in the UK with ExxonMobil. He sent me confirmation of his Flight tickets back to SA and I was to meet him at the airport, he then contacted me to say that there had been an accident at the sight and he used all his money trying to finish the contract and was now in dire straits for he had no money left to fix the problem and that he had to pay for the 4 workers that had been seriously injured in the explosion.


He asked me to help him with the money , so that he can could complete the job and return back to SA urgently. I could not help him. I got a phone call from Heathrow Customs to say he had been arrested for tax evasion in the UK. I sent him the money . He then sent me a cheque to show that he had been paid and he was coming home. On the day 27 July the day he was supposed to arrive, I started to get suspicious and called a friend and did a few enquiries at Heathrow and no one with that name even went through Heathrow , never mind being arrested. To cut a long story short.,, his cheque is fake as well as his contracts and profile. He still has his profile up on Facebook. Everything is fake.



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