Male Scammer Donald Deweese

Scammer Donald Deweese

 15 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Donald
Location [Address]:
Age: 45

Donald Deweese

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Donald Deweese

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Donald Deweese

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Donald Deweese

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Donald Deweese

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Donald Deweese

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Reports :

He claimed his housing situation was bad. Moved in with me. Claimed he wanted to get married. 2 weeks later claimed he disappeared for 2 days. Said couldn't pay for anything because he had gambled his whole $1300 paycheck away. Called me stranded with no money or gas. I picked him up, paid for gas, dinners, food, utilities -he was constantly washing his work clothes) he works for Olympic sprinkler systems in Puyallup wa. I paid for rent. He said he would pay me next check.


I made his lunch daily, made him dinners, thought we were getting married so I did these things. Once again 2 weeks later he gambled another $1300 paycheck away. Said he'd get help. Pretended to look up gambling addiction info. I started getting weary and started checking things out. His phone - he had solicited a room for rent a few days before from someone else, telling them he'd pay them $500 rent. I became VERY suspicious of him. I tried looking through his phone again but he caught me this time. I then discovered $200 missing from my house he had stole. I confronted him about it and he claimed it was only $40



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