Male Scammer Gary Thomas

Scammer Gary Thomas

 15 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Gary
Location [Address]: United States
Age: 49

Reports :

---Original Message---
Same story as the other lady. He approached me on YouTube on a music channel. He said he was into the same music. he shows his profile picture which he a fake( of the real hunter bigham)
He goes as garytom456or at present he starts off with the usual information stuff said he was from phillisburg New Jersey his birthday was he had no siblings or children his ex wife and him were married for 11 yrs.
She worked as a nurse in Harrisburg and she cheated to have children. That he worked as a engineer constructor / freelance consultant out of him home. That worked for Exxon mobile at one time. School at Berkeley in California toke up mechanical engineering.
The two pictures I sent are pictures of his house. The last concert he went to see was November 9th 2019 at us cellular center in Cedar Rapids. He also said after meeting on hangouts that on April 2nd he would be going to Arlington Texas for a event that he would take me along.
On March 4th he said he finally got a big contract working for a oil rig in Singapore he even showed pictures ( got off Utube he was constantly sending me love songs from on there as well.



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