Male Scammer giles thomas

Scammer giles thomas

 15 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: giles
Location [Address]: Bali
Age: 67

Reports :

Hello my dear Natasha.

How is your day how is your middle of the week?

I am happy to receive your letter, thank you so much that I have you and continue to give a good mood every day.

Everything is going well for me, the weather today is good -10, but the sun is shining and the blue sky above my head continues to delight me and everyone around.

Last night at the stars, but not very well seen because of the lighting, I would like to go with you to the forest together, and look from there at the beauty of nature. So that all the stars can observe, see some constellations. I like to dream a lot, you probably already noticed Steve? I think that we need to dream, believe, and believe in miracles, because we do not notice much in this world, we do not appreciate it, we must be able to feel it. Life moves forward very fast, and before you notice how a snowflake of snow has a beautiful shape, and each of them is different. To see how the first flowers, leaves appear, I want to say that you need to have a rich inner world, I want to become a happy woman, I want to give my tenderness, my love for you, I want to share my impressions, my emotions with you.

Because you have recently become the closest person on the planet for me. I sometimes write letters to you that I never tell anyone, I can open my soul for you, and I do all this, because I feel the closeness of your heart, your soul, and I think that you are exactly the man with whom I will be myself the happiest woman on the planet. I want to be in your life a beautiful flower that will delight you, give tenderness and love, and just make you the happiest man Steve!

I am sure that all the best is ahead of us, and you and I are achieving all success. Please appreciate my sincerity to you, my honesty and my trust. Because I don't want you to hurt me and suffering, I want to have a strong and strong love and relationship!

I sincerely want to wish you a wonderful day, and may my letter please, warm and give a good mood! I love you!!!! Your dear Giles Thomas.



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