Male Scammer Henry Cummings

Scammer Henry Cummings

 15 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Henry
Location [Address]:
Age: 47

Reports :

Hello my love,

I am having a problem that requires urgent solution.

I tossed and turned all through today, having sweats, migraine headaches, my blood pressure up and, thinking what next. My life is about to change for good but this problem I share with you is strictly confidential between you and I and I am still afraid of sharing this problems with you because you might not feel happy but I don't have a choice? I am not a kind of person that knows how to tell people my problems, but you are the closest person to me right now?.I feel disappointed in me but this is for the betterment of us ?I have tried all avenue but all to no avail, it's you I am counting on because you are my best friend and my only true love.

Just to let you know, you make my heart pound so fast and I can't even catch my breath. You give me goose bumps all over my body and you are all I think about. I have never had a love like this before and I have never felt this way. I want to keep you forever in my heart.

The inspection personnel just called for a conference in Cape Town and i should come along with required documents from the South Africa high court for the covering of the contract project. i need to book urgent flight to cape town and also get the documents from south Africa high court. All these will cost me about 36,000usd. The money left in me right now is not up to the money i will need to cover these urgent expenses. The money i spent on my mum kidney transplant and three of them travelling to India made me run down now. Honey, can you please try to borrow me some amount of money and i promise to make it up to you. I only have 31000usd with me now and i need 5000usd to get things done so i can be at the conference on Friday next week.

Please kindly assist me with money so that I can close the deal immediately, and in about a week from now we would be celebrating together. I know that now the miles separate us, the bond we have is far stronger. You are the very one I have spent all these years looking for. You make me smile. You make me laugh. You make me whole. I cannot describe the giddy feeling I have when I have thoughts of you or even when you cross my mind. I am so amazingly happy and content and forever I want to spend my life with you, in your world, in your family, and in your arms.

I love you forever.


Hi sweetie,

I hope this mail meets you happy and in good spirit, well it is said that behind every successful man there is a woman. As you know I have been working on a long time project of 2 years with the government in South Africa.

I just want to let you know all about my profession. I work as a Petroleum Geologist, I uses my knowledge of geological principles to determine the location and size of crude oil deposits. I operate as a governmental agency, but more as an independent contractor, exploring different locations and pinpointing oil reserves. Also i make use of advanced computer technology to survey a region so that i can inform other experts how and where to drill. Exploring land and ocean sea beds for oil deposits. I really want to let you know everything that my contract entails being part of my life as the woman i want to share my joy with.

My contract was awarded to me following the routine contract bidding i attended with the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGIST (AAPG) contract agent i registered with in United States.I am assigned to build 2 ultramodern onshore oil-wells in 2 different oil rich South Africa states by the South Africa government and officially under the Ministry of Petroleum South Africa and it is worth (USD) 14million.I hope to complete this project in barely 3 weeks before i finally get paid. I have attached my contract certificate to let you know everything personal about my life as the one i hope to spend the rest of my life with. Please keep these documents personal and safe because you know how valuable and important they are to my personal life and profession.

Nevertheless i have barely 3 weeks to be here and plan to come see you directly from here so we could make arrangement for the best of our future and coming together. I think with all i am going to be paid and at my age i would love to retire to a life of blissful love and harmony with you and we could set up our own company knowing that you are 100% when it come



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