Male Scammer Henry White

Scammer Henry White

 11 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Henry
Location [Address]: unknown Cape Town (South Africa)
Age: 36
Aka: unknown
Phone: 9785042073

Reports :

I met this guy supposedly his name is Henny White lived in Spring Lake, NJ, however, he sent me flowers a few weeks ago and I call and found out they were sent from a DaQuan Witcher, 1423 Carl Miller Blvd, Camden NJ. phone number 856-341-1609 also a Salina Robinson lives at this address according to the internet. Gorgeous. I received numerous photos from this guy MARK ROBERT all looked legit we talk for a month supposedly he lost his wife a couple years ago (I lost my boyfriend last year) we agreed to go slow. He was an electrical engineering (so was my boyfriend and he traveled everywhere too) so this guy Mark Robert won a bid to install solar panels (yes I varified on the internet that this was happening in this New City in Cambodia) Mark went to Cambodia to sent this up thin he was returning to US for a few weeks then returning. His bank account got frozen (lie) and I sent him numerous cards even when they asked me at the drug store if I knew him I said yes. He sent me a photo that was so real when he was in trouble. Last couple photos had a fall and I searched all over Cambodia for this fall. In the middle of the night he just sent me a picture of him on equipment that he supposed just got to do this job.



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