Male Scammer Ignas Bolsakovas

Scammer Ignas Bolsakovas

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First Name: Ignas
Location [Address]: United States
Age: 35

Ignas Bolsakovas

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Ignas Bolsakovas

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Reports :

Original Message
Ignas Bolsakovas: Emotional Manipulation and Deception Ignas Bolsakovas, currently residing in Berkeley, California, is a name you should remember, especially if you’re in any sort of business or personal dealings with him. Originally from Lithuania, Ignas is here in the U.S. on a work visa, but his real work seems to revolve around emotional manipulation, deceit, and scams. He presents himself as a professional, but beneath the surface lies a man who plays with people’s emotions, uses them for personal gain, and seems to think his lies will never catch up to him. Deceit and Emotional Scamming Ignas has a history of lying and manipulating those he becomes involved with. He carries on multiple relationships, feeding each person a different story, while never revealing his true intentions. His deceit isn’t limited to relationships either. He’s a master manipulator, capable of playing the victim to those who catch on to his lies, often gaslighting them into believing they are the ones at fault. Here’s how he operates: • Lies About Relationships: Ignas has a pattern of lying about his relationship status to those he’s involved with. He continues to string people along while pretending to be single, all the while keeping his current relationship under wraps. His lies stretch from one partner to the next, telling each person what they want to hear to manipulate them into staying. • Manipulation with Fake Promises: Ignas knows how to exploit people’s emotions. He’ll make you believe he’s committed, and once you start catching on to his lies, he either ghosts or turns things around on you, making you the villain. He uses this emotional manipulation to avoid accountability, leaving a trail of hurt and confusion in his wake. Running His Games While On a U.S. Work Visa Ignas is currently residing in the U.S. on a work visa from Lithuania, and he’s using his time here not only for business but also to exploit people. It’s disturbing to know that someone with such a history of manipulation is abusing the privileges granted to him by a work visa. His deceitful practices raise questions about his true intentions in the U.S., both personally and professionally. The Risk of Visa Fraud There are legitimate concerns about how Ignas may be abusing his visa privileges. By running emotional scams and manipulative tactics while in the U.S., he’s not just playing with individuals’ lives, but potentially also bending visa rules in the process. It’s possible that he may be looking for ways to extend his stay in the U.S., including through questionable means like fake relationships or marriage for citizenship. Possible Connection to Business Scams In addition to personal manipulation, Ignas is involved with a questionable business called FoodWare To Go based in Berkeley, California. This struggling startup is riddled with red flags. They charge extra fees during a time when people are struggling in an economic downturn, and their whole business model seems to prey on vulnerable individuals. The founders, including Ignas, are more concerned about their image and playing the part of “socially conscious entrepreneurs” than actually delivering on any promises. Their business practices are a joke, full of virtue-signaling, while they rake in money from unsuspecting customers. Scam Warning: Be cautious when dealing with Ignas Bolsakovas. Whether it’s personal or business, his history of deceit, emotional manipulation, and possible visa abuse shows that he has no problem lying to get what he wants. If you or anyone you know has been scammed, manipulated, or lied to by Ignas Bolsakovas, it’s time to speak up. Don’t let him continue running his emotional and possible business scams unchecked.



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