Male Scammer Justin Marek Crowe

Scammer Justin Marek Crowe

 11 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Justin Marek
Location [Address]:
Age: 37

Justin Marek Crowe

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Justin Marek Crowe

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Reports :

-Original Message-
Well this is what dad owns a bussiness which makes sales of electronics internationally.He makes sales within United States and Nigeria in West Africa.So he thought instead of going and coming,he decided to move with his family to Nigeria.So all bcos i had noone to love and care for me back in the states,i decided to join my family in going to nigeria,i had no man to love.So we all get set to go to Nigeria for a new life,but before we left the states my dad has sold our house and the rest of our properties. On arriving at the airport in Nigeria,we took a cab but unfortunately for us we had an accident so we were rushed by some samaritans to a hospital.I didnt realise all this untill i woke up in the hospital then asked after the rest of my family,the dr told me that i was the only survival of the accident. I dont know anyone nor anywhere in this country.My mom is scottish while my dad was adopted when he was young,so now i'm all alone.I am oweing the hospital a bill of 200$ so they did seize all my travelling papers and return ticket,saying I'll have to pay off before i can leave.I would be very gratefull and most glad if you can help me out of this situation and help me with an apartment or come and live with you back in the states.Or if you love me i dont mind to be with you for the rest of our lives The hospital bill is all i need to leave this country bcos i seem to have all my travelling papers and return ticket to fly back to you in the states .My family had an Inheritance account document in the states which worths 6 milllion dollars,i cant be able to access the money from here .. i've to be there in person in CA to get it.As soon as you can get me out of here and im back with you in the states,i would go claim and use it to begin a new and happy life together. Would you help me out of this?



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