Male Scammer lance davis

Scammer lance davis

 15 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: lance
Location [Address]: montreal

Reports :

In credit using my Amex he said he needed cash? Now I was starting to get a little bit suspicious. The next day 4,000.00 could get him out of trouble his broker was going to pay the other half. I didn't have it in cash he got a bit upset and started accusing me of having trust issues and how I let him down. Then I didn't hear from him for about 15 hours and his mom emailed me, saying she was worried and she didn't know were he was had I heard. He listed me as an emergency contact. I became concerned and started to him. Later he contacted me back saying he collapsed from stress and he was in the doctors care. I felt so bad that I agreed to help him. Luckily my credit card would only allow me to take 900.00 cash.


He referred me to Ria transport where I made two money transfers. To Marleen M Lozica, luckily they were declined by Ria, probably because of the scam just listed by Sandra. I called Ria and asked what was happening they said they had reason to believe this was a fraud account and they could not confirm without accepting liability. I was so grateful. I also got a passport that showed a fake via Hooya and on this site already. I confronted him and he continued to be charming and had all the excuses. I told him I could help him in any other way but financially. I stopped hearing from him all the time. I just wrote him a letter saying good-bye. He claimed to want to fix his stuff and he will be with me. Saying I was his world and he would never disappoint me but I told him he already had. This site was the first I found online that he has been doing this for awhile and has other names. Good lesson thank god I got out without losing any cash. Please watch out for him.



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