Male Scammer Lennon Brown

Scammer Lennon Brown

 15 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Lennon
Location [Address]: Broomfield Colorado

Reports :


Contacted me 3 months ago on Instagram. Seemed very genuine then. Build up good relationship with him. After about 6 weeks changed to hangouts. Got more personal. Said he worked for several companies and was like a custom person went on ship to Brazil to check out stocks for 3 weeks. Was then he started asking me for money, said he had to pay custom fees on stuff was sending back to LA. His account was frozen so would I pay it for him. He even gave me the address where to pay it. Suspicion rose instantly in me when I questioned him he gave big story. He very clever also as deleted all our conversations so I could save them. He returned back to LA told some tall story he was letting out his house to CIA and they hadn't paid rent so was taking them to court. Still in meantime telling me how in love he was with me and coming over to my country to marry me. He had only a dog called Zues and wanted me to pay for some medication for him also as he hadn't been paid for last job. Wife had died 3 yrs ago big car accident. Said he had a sister who stole his money from his bank account years earlier. He asked me all about my personal life I'm glad I didn't give a new details out. He kept saying if I loved him I would support and help him. Never did video call I did ask him but no. Spoke several times on phone but to me the voice didn't fit the face. Voice sounded foreign. I have managed to save photos of him can send them.



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