Male Scammer Marino Lafonti

Scammer Marino Lafonti

 11 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Marino
Location [Address]: Chicago
Age: 56
Aliases: Ryder Bogg Haines

Marino Lafonti

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Reports :

I wrote Chris in Feb. 2016. His friend had given me his name on Chris was not on that website. He was very personable, smooth, and a real sweet guy. I was really taken in by him. He did get romantic and even called me Mrs. with his last name. Can you believe?? Then all the crap began in May 2016. He said he was working in India, but the Union working for him needed money and he needed his acct. open in Canada. He sent me his account numbers, but said he couldn't get into his account because he needed the IRS codes which were $3,000 and could I send him $1,700, which like a fool I did.


He then said he was going to work in a mall in Nigeria and needed $200 to change his ticket when he came to America to see me, and then needed $500 for something else. This was in June. Then in July there was a fire in his room at the hotel and he was responsible for $6,000, and could I send him $900. So I finally woke up and said since you know so much about Western Union and you have to a code from them, that you must have done this before. I told him I can no longer send him money. By the way he said to send the $1,700 to a friend at the bank name Sandra Butler in Montana and her bank is Wells Fargo. Do not send money. Do not believe his stories and his smooth talk.



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