Male Scammer Meeks Wilson

Scammer Meeks Wilson

 11 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Meeks
Location [Address]: unknown Borno (Nigeria); Kabul (Afghanistan)
Age: 52
Aka: Platoon Leader
Phone: unknown

Reports :

This guy poses as a civil engineer and an economist. Claims to have lived in England and attended the London School of Economics. Claims he has been divorced for 12 years and is estranged from his son. Claims parents are deceased and has no siblings. This guy preys on your vulnerabilities and is wuite good at it. He romances you for about 2 months before he asks for anything. He talks about being partners and buying gold in Accra Ghana and shipping to your home. Produces authentic looking documents from real shipping companies, also claims that he wants to send you money from his offshore bank account. He actually has you log into an authentic looking account with his password. It all looks legitimate. The entire time he had me searching for properties in California that was going to puchase with the money. He is very believable. I fell for it and became his latest victim. This guy uses his own pictures and I have been on video cam with him more than once. He now is pretending to be in a hospital in Malaysia with a life threatening heart condition.



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