Male Scammer MikeR Mike4christ

Scammer MikeR Mike4christ

 15 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: MikeR
Location [Address]: United States
Age: 44

Reports :

---Original Message---
From online, Scammers Mike R and others bait believers by offering huge payouts from Quantum Computers in Bitcoin. After suckers send in their crypto, web site and all contacts vanish.
Previous sites were - SIGILDEFI.COM and then RAINDROPDAO.ORG with Dr. Wu. Cache files can be found here - deleted bitchute channel, blog
With SIGILDEFI they claimed it was run by ex CERN employees that wanted to do good instead of evil then the group's quantum computer supposedly got liquidated by the Swiss and UK authorities by 2 moles in the group. Then they claimed member's funds were stuck in a senior member's multi-signature wallet and that the individual was kidnapped;
They raised 2 million in crypto to supposedly free the hostage, claiming fundraisers would get payouts first then dropped all contact and deleted their emails.
With RAINDROPDAO they claimed it was run by an ex CCP scientist, Dr. Wu, with the same quantum computing scam with paid Tiers.
They made a similar claim that Dr. Wu's life was in danger and a police officer was killed protecting him in Singapore.
A user found the supposed picture of Dr. Wu which happened to be a Beverly Hills, plastic surgeon unconnected to the scam.
Dr. Wu's picture was really Roy Kim, MD. A bizarre group know as “GUARDIANS OF THE LOOKING GLASS”seem to be affiliated with the scammers. Scammers gaslight victims then disappear
The last email Mike R sent to me: ------- Original Message ------- On Sunday, February 13th, 2022 at 10:30 AM, Mike R. wrote: I've never scammed anyone in my life. I'm the one who was hurt and lost $125,000 in Sigil, we put all that back in, never got a payout! Some people are trying to hurt us and hurt me, from trying to make a miracle happen,
they could hurt so many people and they are so stupid and clueless. It doesn't make sense to me, WHY they would try to hurt us? Why? What do they have to gain by doing that??? Raindrop is so good though.
just when I felt like I would get kicked out, they looked at everything without jumping to conclusions. they have my back in a big way, I'm so thankful for how they've treated me. They gave me their blessing.
Yes I probably talk too much but we were backed in a corner and desperate and we realized we needed a higher tier, and we didn't have the money for it. Im working with some wonderful people and we have the same goal, now we are going to get there.
Instead of attacking me, these jerks could have just joined me and we could all benefit.



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