Male Scammer Ronald Damien Dexter

Scammer Ronald Damien Dexter

 11 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Ronald Damien
Location [Address]: unknown Lagos (Nigeria)
Age: 53
Aka: unknown
Aliases: Ron
Phone: 17182647649

Reports :

Scam Report

Scammer. Ronald Damien message to me: ""Hello how are you doing today?? am new on here and i will like to know you more .. i will like to tell you a lil about me . am new on here i have been married for years but right now am widowed cos my wife died in an auto crash , i have 2 grown up daughter namely sandra and Cathy . i was asked to get a woman to myself but i couldn't cos its so hard for me to get over my wifes death.. my daughters got me on here to get a woman to myself and i will get off here as soon as i get a good, loving and caring woman to myself.. i want you to know that am not here for games ... i will like to know more about you.. i hope to hear from you as soon as possible.""



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