Male Scammer Roy Hugo

Scammer Roy Hugo

 11 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Roy
Location [Address]: 15B Meadow ridge Mews, Dartford Tableview, Capetown, South Africa Cape Town (South Africa)
Age: 52
Aka: unknown
Aliases: Huge
Phone: 4069918460

Reports :

Scamming scenario:
He first contacted me through match 2 months ago. We started private emailing and had contact every day. He told me after about a week that he was in Ghana doing construction work. I never really had any reason to doubt him even though I was still slightly cautious. Told me that he was coming back to England at the end of this month with his daughter called Kim and his Maltese dog called Casey and that we would arrange to meet. He said his birthday was 25th December. He mentioned that he was having difficulty with the last container for his construction job but he never mentioned money BUT then he sent a message last week telling me that Kim had broken her leg. I was full of sympathy and then came the final part of his story. He told me that he only had insurance that covered him in America and that the Ghana hospital wanted big money for her surgery. He said that he had most of the money but could I lend him? 4500. I said no of course & now he is ignoring me. I have gone back on match & he is back on. I have also reported him to them.I rejoined match. 5 days ago and he was calling him redjones345 and saying he was living in Somerset, England. I reported him and he disappeared off the site. He is now back on the site as radydouglas62 living in Cont law in Scotland England. I have just reported him again. Each time he uses the photo of him in the light blue shirt.



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