Male Scammer Train Dee

Scammer Train Dee

 11 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Train
Location [Address]: Nana Adjei Asiedu P.O.Box AN8905 Accra - North Ghana

Reports :


I contacted a woman who is following Doug Baker, not knowing who she was, to warn her that Doug Baker is a scammer. She replied to my message and asked for my email address so that she could send me correspondence she has had with him for two years. She sent the screenshots of their original conversation on Direct Message in Twitter and screenshots of what she went through. Sure enough, the scammer said while he was in Bangkok on business, he sent her luggage which was filled with cash, and he left Bangkok for Beijing, China. He also mentioned going to Paris, France. Shipping had been paid, but there was an exorbitant fee for it at customs. Bless her heart, she did some research herself and discovered that the company Doug Baker was supposedly using to send his luggage full of cash was a fake company. She told him that she did not have the money because of her own personal expenses. She told him to send the money to her, and she would pay it. Of course, there will be no luggage; the shipping company is fake, and the high customs fees are too much for her. His well thought-out plan has backfired. Doug Baker blocked me on one Twitter account when I discovered he was a scammer and attached a scammer warning to one of his tweets. He is now talking to me on another Twitter account. At age 45 he says he is a retired pilot and flew for American Airlines. That is a different story from being in China and Bangkok on business.



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