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Small Business Scams

When you turn the pages of the daily newspaper, it is sure that you come across several business scam news everyday and if you take a proper insight at the news, you would realize one thing clearly that the scammers are targeting only the small business rather than the well grown one since the sham operators know clearly that it is much easy to get the start up business into trap. The small business scams might reach the entrepreneurs is several ways- from the invoices of the never ordered supplies to the never requested directory listings or advertisings. Taking advantage on the technology, they might even gain access to your supplier's account by setting up a fake website of your company and play a trick between you and your supplier, making you get into serious financial troubles.

Be cautious of the following small business scams:

False billing scam:

Beware of false billing Scams

Knowing that the person taking care of the administrative activities of the business might not be aware of whether the promotional team has requested any advertising or marketing activities, the scammers directly contact them via phone or e-mail and through fake invoices, they make them pay for the advertising, domain name renewals or directory listings that have never been ordered.

Overpayment scams:

Money Overpayment Scams

This is the trickiest scam, where the scammers will send you the payment cheque for the item that he has booked online on your website. Usually the amount will be greater than the cost of the product, and he would cleverly call you and request for the refund of the extra pay, telling that by mistake he has made overpayment. You will be generously sending the scammer extra amount without knowing that the payment cheque sent by him got bounced. You will be losing both your product and money in this cunning overpayment scam.

Malware scams:

Beware of Malware Virus Scams

These Malware scams are big threat to business men since in other scams, the scammers will target only the money but in these types of scams, the con artists create a fraudulent email that appears to be legitimate and seems to be interested in doing a business deal with you and if you click on the links disclosed on the message, your computer will get affected with virus that captures your social security number, credit card accounts, personal information that you have loaded in your system. The scammers extend their trick by approaching you with a demand of certain amount to clear the virus in your system.

Get protected with certain security measures:

Update the security software of your office systems regularly and change the password frequently and never reveal it to anyone unless a genuine reason is on rise. If you suspect the mail sent by your supplier from any strange email-id, don't hesitate to make a call to your supplier and conform whether the message was really sent by him or not. Make sure that your company's filling and accounting systems are well organized to respond to genuine payment request and limiting the authority of buying or ordering goods to less number of people will help you not to become a victim of false payment. If you come across any overpayment, check whether the cheque is legitimate one or not before refunding the amount. With a keen caution on your part, you can protect yourself and your business from annoying small business scams that steal your money and peace.
Small Business Scams
business supplies
funding kits
scams targeting business

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