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Smishing Scams

There is a new type of scam that is making headlines throughout the world which is none other than smishing. Everyone is well aware about phishing and other scamming activities that are happening throughout the world. Both individuals and business houses are losing huge amounts to the scamming world and are reporting the same to the concerned authorities which deals with scamming activities. So, the question which still lingers in the mind of the people is – whether these criminal activities can be controlled or not? The simple answer is 'no' since these perpetrators change their identities often and also their locations. Since they change their identities it becomes very difficult for the police authorities to nab these culprits.
smishing scams
Smishing is nothing but a variant of phishing. In these types of peculiar scams the user of the modern mobiles will be tricked to download the Trojan horse, virus and other malware onto his cell phone. Smishing is also referred to text message or SMS types of scams were the scammer will send a sms to the individual requesting him to open a mail or other websites. Scam that is gaining momentum with respect to smishing is phone call. Scammer will request the individual to call a number immediately and if the innocent person dials the number the scammer will start canvassing and request the person to deposit few dollars in his account. If he obliges by depositing the money, the scammer will run away with it and will never ever reciprocate to the commoner.
Since scams related to smishing are becoming famous the commoners should follow the below guidelines to safeguard their money:
  • If there is any SMS which is related to Trojan antivirus or other malware delete the message immediately. Never download any malwares since the virus will start attacking the system.
  • If sms prompts you to dial certain urgent numbers, never show any interest and delete it immediately. If you dial the number you will lose several dollars instantly.
  • Escalate these types of messages to the police or other authorities which handles scamming activities.
  • Never share your personal, financial and SSN details to any strangers or third parties.
Explore and find out top ten popular scams with respect to smishing. In these types of scams the scammers will set an automated dialing system to text or call several innocent people. If someone reciprocates to their texts or phone calls they will plan to loot maximum money from them. Several scams related to smishing happened recently in America which made the citizens wake up and take stock of the situation. So, general public are warned not to share their personal, banking and other financial details to the third person. These scammers may build pressure tactics and try to extract the bank password and PIN from the public. Never fall prey to these types of pressure tactics and lose the money to the scammers. The scammers will send a message stating that they have to reactive the account or block the card for few minutes and ask the individuals to share their passwords. People should understand that these types of messages are only bogus and nothing more than that.

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