Zhanna Timofeeva Scammer Report
I agree with you.Zhanna's behavior looks like a case of dating scam.
- She got from you some expensive things as ring 773.49, chain 336.42 and clothes for 364.41, etc and then she broke off a relationship with you.Perhaps she did so intentionally. However, this is not a criminal case under the laws of Ukraine. Practically it is impossible to prove her malice in fact. Unfortunately, the local police does not accept such cases to criminal charges.
- I advise you to place a story of deception with the names Zhanna Timofeeva, Tatyana Scherban and Irina Kascheeva on the anti-scam forums to warn others in the future. I became acquainted with Zhanna in February of last year on Natasha Club with her user ID cycling_girl. We communicated until our first meeting in Kharkov on December 9. Irina Kascheeva was assigned as translator. Zhanna said they did not know each other, but the private investigator found the contrary. Zhanna was originally from Donetsk, she briefly lived in Kharkov, then moved to Kramatorsk when the conflict settled down.
- On the Natasha club site her city was Kharkov, but it was Kramatorsk, her english was listed as excellent, but she needed a translator. She said it was a mistake, and the agency did not update her location. The licence plate of the Mazda Irina was using had a Kramatorsk dealer frame, and I questioned her about it, and she said she bought it from a friend there. There were some things that Zhanna did that brought about some small red flags, but I overlooked them at first. She would always talk about being an honest and sincere girl. She would avoid answering direct questions about her personal life, and she would avoid talking about her parents and family. Her level of english was questionable, as she claimed her english was not good, and required I pay for translation services.
- On our second date, when we were at Dafi mall in Kharkiv, we went into Sportmaster. She really loved a sport costume, and her translator asked if I would buy it for her. I felt it was not such a bad idea to help encourage her to have a healthy life. We seemed to be falling in love, and I truly loved her, and she truly seemed to reciprocate. I would later find out she was a very good player. After a few visits, she started giving hints about getting married, such as wanting a husband for her birthday, and presents. She stayed with me in Kharkov during my Christmas until December 28. But it turns out she lied about her grandparent's illness, and stayed in Kharkov until January 2nd according to evidence revealed by private investigator.
- After new year, she would come back to Kharkov for her birthday. It is at this time that she very much insinuated she wanted to get engaged. For her birthday, I would surprise her. I proposed to her, and she agreed. After her birthday, she would return to Kramatorsk. When asked about her engagement and what her family thought, she was unusually silent. When I mentioned coming to Kramatorsk, she stated she wanted her translator Irina and she would come back in a few days. At this point I got very suspicious. I had the occasion of calling my lawyer in Canada over Skype about doing a pre-nuptial, and he advised me to get a private investigator, as it was very suspicious that she blocked me from her VK account, and did not want me to go to Kramatorsk. She also stated she was scared of me. i did give her the benefit of the doubt, and convinced her to come back on January 15 before I returned to Canada. It was arranged that the private investigator would follow us during our date, and afterwards. After our date, Zhanna stated she needed 200 Gryvnias in Taxi money to go to her friends.
- After our date she took the taxi, while I paid translator Irina Kascheeva. The private investigator followed, and Zhanna ditched the taxi 300 metres ahead at Kalamya Bar, and went inside. After I had paid Irina, Irina picked her up and took her to her place on Druzhby Narodiv Street. She stayed there for a while, and she went to another friend Tatyana Scherban afterwards. When Irina drove Zhanna to her place, a black volkswagen owned by a man by the name of Dmitry Rudich was following close the whole distance, and waited outside until Zhanna left Irina's place for Tatyana's. The following night, the same happened but no black volkswagen. On the 17th, Zhanna asked for money for Bla Bla car, 1000 Gryvnias, but Irina drove her to the bus depot. Zhanna was dishonest by taking more money than she was entitled to. It was also revealed by the investigator that Zhanna was splitting translator revenues of $25 an hour.
- Irina would also charge me for use of her car, which she would also split. Ten days after returning to Canada, I received a very peculiar message from Zhanna stating the end of our relationship. The level of english was too good for someone who needs a translator. In further checks by the private investigator, it was revealed she had a boyfriend by the name of Viktor Nikitenko, which she travelled to egypt with in November. She lives with him at the Parkova street address, when she is not at Stepana Korshuna. I had a private investigator the hotel staff recommended me, and then I got a second opinion from another firm. Both came to the conclusion that Zhanna was only out for financial benefits. She would also earn money from video chat with men. Zhanna changed her name on Natasha Club to Pink_melons. On Anastasia Date she goes under ID 1787229. Things given to Zhanna include: 2 Gym outfit, earrings, Dress, neck chain, and engagement ring
Zhanna Timofeeva Report
Timofeeva Zhanna Andreevna, birth date 01/10/1988, ID number 3215101381, born in Donetsk city, Ukraine, registered by the address: Donetsk, Luzina street 6, apt 22. Place of residence - Donetsk region, Kramatorks town. Graduated from The Donetsk University Of Economy & Law in 2010, majoring in Accountind and Audit. Criminal record information is in the state of check,
results will |
be reported. Zhanna's cellphone number |
+380509035677. |
VKontakte |
? |
, Odnoklassniki: |
https://ok.ru/solnechnaja. Her Odnoklassniki page is presently shut down, accessible to friends and relatives only. We are working on this. After graduation and up to 12/07/2012 Zhanna worked in OOO "Kramtechcentr ??, ?OKPO number
[National Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations] ?30569266,
Starting 06/17/2013 and until present Zhanna is employed at a brewery company:
Picture details:
Address- Donetsk, Voroshilovskiy district, Artema st 129, corp B, registration number 36559435
Phone: +380504710579
Registered from 10/14/2010
There are two beer restaurants pertaining to this company
Zhanna's main place of residence is Kramatorsk, yet she is a frequent visitor in Kharkov, leads active lifestyle, prefers cycling. This is a ground to a line of friends that she has. Zhanna is fluent English speaker. She is occasional drinker, preers white wine. She spends a lot of time working at computer, mostly at night, IP, provider – «Satellite Net Service NOC», address: Dvortsovaya 10, office 56, Kramatorsk, Donetsk region,Ukraine,phone: +380626421221, Yury Trembach, phone: +380626421222,
There is a relation between Zhanna and this cafe:
Location address: Kharkiv, Artema street 31, in the same building with office center:
On 01/19/2017 our agent visited this cafe to find out whether Zhanna works there or maybe somebody knows her - unfortunately we didn't get any information, supporting this theory, thus conclude one of her friends works there. The interior of this cafe incorporates separate sections, that can be covered by blinds.
While staying in Kramatorsk since 12/23 - 24/2016 Zhanna attended Alchemist bar, located at Kamatorksm, Akademicheskaya St 49. It is likely that event occasion was celebrating Vasiliy Litvinenko birthday (left on the photo).
- this is Vasiliy's social page, he is also into cycling. Lady in the middle ??.
All people from the next picture were celebrating New Year 2017 in Kharkov
Based on this we can conclude that Zhanna was in Kharkiv for new year celebration. This is yet to be confirmed.
This picture shows Zhanna and Nikitenki Victor Evgenievich , birthdate 09/08/1982, registered at Donetsk region, Kramatorsk, Krasnaya pushka St 10,
apt 19, social??,
Having conducted analysis on his social pages we can conclude, that he is divorced, spends a lot of time with Zhanna and his child from his first marriage with - ??. We have confirmed that Irina Kashcheeva is familiar with Andrey Nikitenko. Andrey and Zhanna went together to egypt on vacation in 2016:
Zhanna and Andrey are visiting their friends on this photo:
Here they are cycling together:
? ????????? ????????? ????:
Please note there are 4 ladies and 4 men on the photo - i.e. everybody has a pair.
May 2016 they visited Kharkiv:
Mother - Gutsenko Svetlana Igorevna, birthday 07/22/1965, ID number 2357920168, born in Zolotoy Kolodets town, Donetsk region, registered at Donetsk, Kremlevskiy prospekt 13, apt 52, unemployed presently. Present place of residence: 84300, Donetsk region, Kramatorsk 5, apt 106. The last place of employment - LTD
Father - Timofeev andrey Roaldovich, birthdate 12/30/1961, ID 2264410939, born in Donest, registered and resides in his parents house at Donetsk, Kievskiy prospekt 10, apt 6. Hasn't been officially employed for over 10 years. Occasional income has been detected, criminal record information is expected. Owing to the fact, that Donetsk region databases are inaccessible, we can't verify the criminal record state.
Sister - Gutsenko Daria Alexandrovna, birthdate 02/05/1996.
Interpreter Kashcheeva Irina Alexandrovna, ID 3242306963, birthdate 08/10/1988 in Kharkiv. Lives and registered at Kharkiv, Druzhby Narodov st 240, apt 227, phone number ?+380506181527. This number is registered at Nova Poshta delivery service, located not far from her home. Registered auto MAZDA, number
Rudich Dmitriy Vladimirovich, birthdate 04/12/1975, registered at Derevyanko 10, apt 23
Irina works as manager translator for wedding agency and is directly connected to the following agencies:
Zhanna and Irina are connected by work and also friendly relationships.
Irina has no criminal record.
This report is preliminary as some facts are being presently investigated. Fully detailed report is expected.
Our agent has established communication with Zhanna in a social network, under false pretence. In the course of this correspondence, no information of interest has been retrieved. We found out that Zhanna has been staying in Kramatorsk, spent her time attending cafe, meeting friends, she said she owns a cat and shared a picture of it:
Zhanna doesn't plan visiting Kharkiv in the nearest future. Lately her communication in social network became more reserved, she doesn't share any personal information. She didn't decline an invitation to meet in Kharkiv, yet made it clear that she is not interested in a relationship, also hasn't confirmed date for meeting yet. We also attempted a communication with Nikitenko Viktor in social network, he declined.