Scammer John Bodkin Adams 

Fraudster John Bodkin Adams 


Name: John Bodkin Adams
Other Name:
Born: 1899
whether Dead or Alive: 1983
Age: 84
Country: British
Occupation: General practitioner
Criminal / Fraud / Scam Charges: Fraud
Criminal / Fraud / Scam Penalty: Struck off the Medical Register in 1957 (reinstated in 1961)
Known For: Suspected serial killer

Description :

John Bodkin Adams

John Bodkin Adams is a suspected serial killer and a convicted fraudster. Wealthy widows with incurable diseases at their ending ages were treated by Adams during the year 1949 to 1959. Adams was described being tender towards his patients and was suspected of mercy killing of his patients who have been on the verge of dying.“ Adams injects his patients with morphine to give them a peaceful sleep, forever”.

He was suspected of serial killings when the patients who died by his dosage left him something from their will; it stirred the whole town and the town reporters with a storm of rumors. In the year 1956, the rumors took a juridical form involving the police. The court trial was held for months, only to find Adams not guilty. “He was charged for prescribing wrong medications to patients that is mostly pain killers for the patients ease”. At the end of his life, he died alone with his fortunes from the wills of his patients. He was often called as the 'mercenary of death' during his medical services.

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