Female Scammer Alisa Petrisheva

Alisa Petrisheva

Female Scammer Alisa Petrisheva

E-mail: alisa.lovegirl6428@mail.ru
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Alisa
Location [Address]: unknown Yoshkar-Ola (Russia)
Age: 26
Birth Date:
Aliases: Alissa

Reports :

This girl is good but I must thank you for posting this site. Because of your scam scenarios it was almost exact. She will claim to be looking for a man in North America to marry because she does not like russian men and they do not treat women nice and drink to much.

After about 5 emails she asked me for money to get tourist visa to come and see me. It was about 300.00 us. She had a friend that works for the immigration and can get visa in 10 days. All of her emails were about loving you and could not wait to be with me and had tears because she missed me so much. She rarely talked about her family or work or life style. so i would ask her for information and is was like pulling teeth. She would alway give a little answer then repeat that she loves me and she misses me and so on. I found out because i kept asking her to call me or can I call her but she said that she had no phone. So i told her to call me and reverse the chargers at a phone both. But she would never call and when i would ask why she would never say why she did not call just saying i love you and miss you. So I search her name on google and found your site. After reading your scenarios I replied to her asking if she was scamming me. She has never replied since. I have a picture but i do not know were to upload it.



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