Female Scammer Anna Terekhova

Anna Terekhova

Female Scammer Anna Terekhova

E-mail: andrea22@bk.ru
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Anna
Location [Address]: unknown Gelendzhik (Russia); Samara (
Age: 25
Birth Date:
Aliases: Ana, Andreea, Anechka, Aneshka

Reports :

-Original Message-
Hello my love,I've got all the information and I'm resending it for you!! You see after my visit to the consulate and to the agency I am so happy to say we will meet in few days!!!! Sorry I didn't write you yesterday, it was Russian Christmas (as I wrote Orthodox Christians celebrate in on January 7th) and everything was closed! Today everything is opened again. I am really lucky girl to meet you. Honey the thing is that I booked the nearest possible flight. I need some of your help. there is one small problem but I am sure we will be able to solve it. I wanted to ask you to help me to pay for my tickets directly but they tell I can't use your help or ask you about sending me tickets because I have a permission to use the help of the travel agency only because they do all travel things and it is their business to arrange all travel things for my trip, such is the law. It is not possible to get a work visa without the help of the agency, they have too strict rules of getting visas. I was sure my mom will help me because she promised but now she sent a letter explaining it is possible only in few months or so because of our family problems. She can't send a transfer now. I was in the bank to try to ask thema loan but they said I need to have a registration in Moscow to get a loan from their bank and I don't have it! I think it is not great problem for you to help me. I even hope maybe it will be pleasure to help me because you are my knight,right? after all payments here and my flight from Novosibirsk I have about 680 GBP of my own money and I need about 520 GBP (british pounds) from your side because I have to pay for my tickets and few more things,and I have to pay in advance about 1120 pounds. The tickets are roundtrip and this price includes all arrangements of documents and everything. Honey, New Year came and new prices came also.... I've been told fuel fees and tickets and everything became more expensive and I didn't expect it............ As I mentioned I will have 6 months visa. I have to be sure that I will be able to book my tickets or I will lose all the money I gave them in advance. I'm not going to ask one more time for your help,you see I am in such situation... I will be waiting for your answer .I know it sounds like I am a poor outsider but you see I don't have enough time to find the money I need and find somebody to help me, you know my mom gave me all she could collect for my travel. I hate to ask but now I don't have any other choice. I need some help from you,please help me to leave Moscow and it is all I ask now and you know I am full of the love to share with you. Kiss you, counting days and minutes before our meeting. You know it is only money, and I think it is not too hard for you to help me, you see I have such chance only once in my life. I know you are a kind man and I hope you will be able to help me. I promise I will return all the money and I will earn money because I am ready to work as hard as I can! you know my rent address here is Russia, Moscow, Opalihinskaya Street 82, ap. 66. Remember my full name is Evdokija - (first name) Bokarewa -(last name). It is right writing in English, and you should put it on western union list and you can choose any bank in moscow,they tell it is international service and I can pick up the money at any bank of moscow. They said I can get only western union transfer because I have not any bank accounts in moscow and I have only passport and it is enough to get it! Actually I've been told you can send it to any of their offices. I can call you as soon as I receive the transfer to let you know about it. And please after you complete a transfer write me the number of your transfer, I'm not sure how it's call but they will give you a number of your transfer. In case you need it I'm sending a copy of my driver's licence so you can look at my ID, my passport now is on registration of documents. Sorry I'm so **** there! It was taken few years ago in 2004. I never like my pics for documents!!! P.S. I am not sure I should tell this but I want to let you know if you don't like me when I come I will not bother you and it is only your choice to spend time with me or not. I know you may be too busy, and in any case I will return the money back. I can have a room for rent if I want, a job and I want to say please don't worry I don't want to use you just to reach my goal. I am sure when we meet we will have no regrets about it, I promise. I dream about our first meeting, our first night and I have some **** lingerie with me! I think everything depends on you! I will keep checking my mailbox all day and all night because I can't sleep if I'm not sure everything is allright and you can help, please, honey, don't leave me alone I've done so much to start this trip and I don't want to give up. And I can stay more than six months, I can stay longer and I can prolong my visa. I want to get to know you better..... to learn more things about you, to touch your hand.. look in your eyes...



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