Female Scammer Bethany Jones
E-mail: bethany_hott@yahoo.com
★★★★☆ 10 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Bethany |
Location [Address]: | Chicago, IL |
Age: | 15 |
Birth Date: | 1/1/2000 |
Aliases: |
Reports :
Scamming scenario :
This scammer never asked me money, but twice she todl me that she wanted to come to my city. In one letter, knowing how the scammers works, I wrote that I had to come first to know all her parents, and then she?d had come to my city. Notice that I have all the emails that the travel agency in Krasnojarsk wrote me, and that I was ready to book the plane and the Hotel. But when I saw in your site the same photos, and I asked her explanations for the meaning of her photos on the scammer list; after that she has never more wrote me. Her IP address, origin is onn South Korea, not in Russian Federation. In the end I post also the information about the last mail.
Letter 1
Letter 1
Hello Jacopo
I am very glad, that you have written to me. I hope, that we shall find common language. I from Russia. I am 30 years. I interesting than you are engaged, what hobbies at you, what favorite kind of sports. I like to play volleyball, I like to run in the mornings. Sometimes go in competitions on running. Have you pets? I had cat, it was very beautiful. I have written, was, because it was lost. I for a long time experienced. I want to learn about your habits, about the last life. I live with mum and with my sister. My sister is more younger than me for two years. We very much are friends of my sister. Basically I have got acquainted with friends on section on volleyball.
I work the nurse in city hospital. It was at first very difficult, but has then got used. Now I like to work, look after there patients, to put injections. Every day you learn new of dialogue with them. By the end of the working day very strongly you get tired and then we with girlfriend go in inexpensive cafe where we drink beer. But I like to drink red wine, sometimes champagne. And what your favorite drink? I very much love mum and I like to help her on the house. As I work as the nurse have not enough time remains on rest. But when there come the days off, I am torn off completely.
I love flowers, is especial tulips, but most of all I like, when to me them give. I like to go shopping, buy stylish clothes, basically fitting because I watch the figure and it I have sexual. I like to eat sweet, basically a cake or a pie.
I want to learn about your country on more, where do you live. All life beautiful places in the world dreamed to go round all globe, in fact so much. In the childhood when I played volleyball, I dreamed to act with team in the different countries, but our school has broken up. But I still dream to see many beautiful places in world.
This little, that I wanted to tell about myself.
Best regards.
Letter 2
Hello Jacopo
I waited the answer. When I have received your letter at me at once have cheered up. I am glad that I have liked you. I very much want that we with you have constructed serious attitudes. I already for a long time have no the man and I would think that you could be mine the man, and I yours the woman. I wish to have family and the husband. You plan to have family and the wife?
I want to find man close to me as desirable. He will make me the happiest woman in the world. I look for a man, who will help me in a difficult minute by word or business. I want to create a family with him. I like strong man with kind soul. With such man my family will be happy. I want to live with him for a long time with happy, dividing happy and unhappy
I live in city Kansk. My city settles down in Krasnoyarsk region. It is located on left I protect the river Kan (inflow of Yenisei), in 247 kilometers to the east from Krasnoyarsk.
My city beautiful. In our city there are many trees, bushes, a grass. In the summer our city very beautiful. In the summer city Kansk becomes green. The population of city is made by 107.400 person. In the winter in our city it becomes cold also city becomes not beautiful. My city small.
I very much like to walk in the evenings with girlfriends. My favourite place where I like to walk it our most beautiful park. In the evenings there gathers many people which is borrowed with the business. It is pleasant to look at their happy persons. When I walk, I overlook about the work, on the problems. In the summer, a lot of time I spend on a beach. I very much like to sunbathe, bathe. At us in city the beautiful river. In the winter I sometimes ski, it is useful for health and betrays vivacity of spirit for long time. The winter at us cold and always is a lot of snow, therefore it is possible to find always where it is possible to drive on a ski.
I the sports woman, like sports. In rainy, boring evening I can read books, look films of a house. The help to mum to cook food. But most of all I like to play volleyball. But now I seldom play, because I work. But as soon as there is a free time and an opportunity, I go to play.
I wish you fine mood. I shall wait the answer.
Letter 3
Hello Jacopo!!!!!
How are you doing? I hope you have fine mood. I have fine mood because I have received your letter. I like to you to write letters when I write to you the letter, my mood rises.
Thanks for a photo, you have liked me also I hope our attitudes I shall grow with each new day.
I wish to tell to you about my work.
I work as the nurse in city hospital. I have finished medical institute. After institute I long time could not be employed. But for my mum in hospital works good familiar and due to her, me have employed in this hospital. In the beginning it was very difficult for me, you do not imagine to yourself. But the working collective appeared friendly, and I have quickly accustomed on a workplace. I remember, how first my patient has got to me. I should make to him an injection, and I very much was afraid. At me shivered hands, I was afraid to make an injection incorrectly. But when I have made him, the patient at all has not noticed it. I like to look after patients, to help them. Now I am very glad, that I here work, here good, amicable collective. I am fast with them have got acquainted. Only very strongly you get tired after the end of the working day. But my work brings to me a lot of pleasure, good mood. To have it is a lot of to communicate with different people. People are different. The some people are kind, but are also malicious. It is necessary to be able to find different approaches to patients. My girlfriends are glad for me, that I here work. When somebody from relatives will be ill, they of me ask him the help. I can put him an injection, give the necessary tablet. I am always glad the help to them. On work at me wake up parent feelings. Really, they as small children, behind them it is necessary to look after, tell kind words. All would be good, but to nurses pay in our city very little. It would be desirable to receive more. I work to not depend on mum that it was possible to take a walk with girlfriends go in cafe, in a cinema. It happens, that it is necessary to occupy sometimes money from mum, but I try to not do it. Work is pleasant to me.
I shall wait the answer!
Letter 4
Hello Jacopo!!!!
How are you doing? I hope you have fine mood. I have fine mood because I have received your letter. I always wait for your letters. To write to you letters to me delivers great pleasure.
I congratulate you on a holiday. I wish you to lead the days off well. Today on June, 1st, the first day summer. It is fine. But the present summer in our city will be only in July. But today too warmly and it is pleasant to me. In our city the summer happens only 3 months, I regret, because I very much love heat.
I liked names which you wish to give the boy and the girl. Very much it is pleasant to me the Italian names, they very beautiful. If to name children Russian names the boy can be named Alexander, the girl can be named Ekaterina. You like these names?
Certainly, I agree with you that in the future you have learned my family, my city where I live, have got acquainted with my friends. Also I think, you too could acquaint me with your relatives and with your city.
I wish to tell to you about my family.
I have the sister. My sister is more younger than me for 2 years. We with it in very good relations. I very strongly love it. We always help each other a difficult minute. Our mum loves both of us very strongly. We always help together to our mum. My sister works as the seller in shop. My mum has divorced from my father when I was still small. Sometimes we meet it, but I any more do not feel, that it my father. Me since the childhood did not suffice man dialogue and man support. But with you I think, that I shall receive that care and support which did not suffice me.
My mum works in library. It works there many years. Work very much is pleasant to it. I spoke it, that it from there would leave, because there pay a little, but it does not wish from to leave there. Speaks, that it very much likes to work there and the more so at us will difficultly get a job. It has read through many books for the life.
Thanks for a photo, it has very much liked me. I too send you I wash a photo, I hope to you it is pleasant.
I hope at you all well. I'm fine. I shall wait the answer.
Letter 5
Hello Jacopo
I very much like to correspond with you, I like to read your letters. When I see your letters my mood rises.
I very much like your attitude to me, I always dreamed about such the attitude to me. I am grateful to destiny for our acquaintance and glad that our attitudes grow every day and every day we become closer to each other.
Tell to me about your study at school. It will be interesting to me to know as you went to school.
In seven years I have gone to school. In Russia all children start to study since seven years. At school I studied well. At thinking was many girlfriends and friends at school. On a life I very sociable. Teachers at school of me liked and held up as an example to other pupils.
After leaving school also has decided to act in medical institute. In our city to act to study in medical institute very difficultly. I have successfully handed over three examinations and without problems have acted to study in medical institute. There it was very difficult to study. Every year deducted on three students. But I was very diligently the girl and I all time well studied. Tried to not shirk lessons. Training last 5 years. I have successfully passed the state examinations. After the termination of medical institute I was employed in local hospital.
I shall wait for your answer, I wish you fine mood.
Letter 6
Hello Jacopo!!!!
I hope at you all well, I want, that you always had fine mood. I always have fine mood after your letters. I want, that you always had fine mood after my letters.
It is very good, that you with friends have lead fine two days of days off. By your words I have understood, that to you was cheerful also all of you have well spent time.
It was pleasant to me, that you have told about me to your friends. I too regret, that could not be together with you and with you to spend fine time.
I never was in other countries of the world. I very much regret. But I always dreamed to visit many countries of the world and to see a lot of beautiful a place. But I would like to travel with the beloved and I very much would want, that it the man was you.
I never saw ocean and the sea in the life. It will seem to you strange, but it so. My dream to see sometime the eyes ocean or the sea. I heard about them much. There very beautifully and well.
Thanks for a photo. On a photo your friends?
I wish you all good. I shall wait the answer.
Letter 7
Hello Jacopo!!
I hope at you all well, I want, that you always had fine mood. I always have fine mood after your letters. I want, that you always had fine mood after my letters.
While I only have told about you to my sister and my mum. My family are very happy for me and wish me only happiness with you. I hope our attitudes will grow every day and as a result we can meet. To me with you it is very good.
Tell to me what films you you prefer to look and you prefer to listen to what music?
I love comedies. Basically I prefer the Soviet comedies. Earlier in our country were able to remove films. My favourite film "" Kavkazskaya plennitsa, ili Novye priklyucheniya Shurika "".
I like to listen to music. Basically I listen to Russian music. As I like the western executors. They are able to compose music and to sing.
My favourite musical Russian group "" Ruki Vverh "". It is very good group and it is pleasant to me. I always listen to their songs with pleasure. If we shall meet you that I shall necessarily allow you to listen to this group. You understand Russian?
I shall wait the answer, I hope you can soon answer.
Letter 8
Hello Jacopo!!!!
I am happy to receive your letter. When I see your letter, my mood rises also day it becomes better. I like to correspond with you and I always wait for your letters. I like your attitude to me, I always dreamed about such the attitude to me. I become seems to me every day happier. I am assured you respect with the woman and able to make the woman happy.
I understand you, that you too wish to speak by with me to phone, but understand me please, that I have no phone, and it is very complex to me to find phone. I know, it can seem to you strange, that I have no phone, but our city very poor, and many people I have no phone. All my friends and friends do not have phone. You forgive me and do not take offence.
In our city weather became warm. It is very good, because I love heat.
I very much like to read your words, thanks. To me too it is very good with you. You forgive me, but unfortunately I have no photo in the medical form. There can be later I can have such photo.
Certainly, I know that such a diabetes. You do not worry, I am done not frightened with your illness. All will be good. The doctor was right, that has told to you that you moved more. It is necessary for health. I hope you will obey your doctor. I have estimated your honesty under the attitude to me. Thanks!!! I too shall be with you always frank.
I very much like to prepare. I with the great pleasure prepare to eat. I very well am able to prepare to eat. I am very grateful to mum, in fact it me has learned to prepare to eat it. My favourite dish, is mashed potatoes with a cutlet.
If we shall meet you, I shall necessarily prepare you the firm Russian dish.
Thanks for a photo.
I wish you fine mood. I shall wait the answer.
Letter 9
Hello Jacopo!!!!
How are you doing at mine the beloved? I Hope you have fine mood. I have fine mood. I always have fine mood, to me I am rather good also is happy. I still never was such happy, but you have changed my life in the best party. Now I wake up since morning with a smile on the person, in the evening before a dream I think of you and I represent you beside with me.
Unfortunately in ours the Internet-cafe to us forbid to call by phone. Yes, in our hospital there is phone, but it is forbidden to us to call not on business. If learn, that I spoke by phone with you, to me can clean from hospital. You understand my situation and do not take offence at me. I wish to speak by with you to phone, but is not possible yet.
I agree with you that we cooked food by turns. I like your idea.
My girlfriends speak all to me I has changed, I constantly smile. My mum and the sister too speak I there was another. I answer all that all these fine changes occur owing to you mi amor.
I send you I wash a photo, I hope it is pleasant.
I wish you fine mood. I shall wait the answer and to think of you.
Letter 10
Hello Jacopo!!!!
How are you doing? I'm fine. Mood at me fine. Yesterday I badly slept. Yesterday to us on a visit send my aunt with the uncle. Our family already for a long time did not see the aunt with the uncle. I sat with our visitors till 1:00 p.m. Then I have gone to sleep, but could not fall asleep because all talked very loudly, music played. I have fallen asleep only in 2 hours and already in 6 mornings I had to rise. I today awfully am am hurted with a head, but I think all will be fast well. When I have received your letter, to me at once it became good. Your letters and words really cheer up.
It will be good, if we can meet in the future. It is pleasant to me, that you wish to arrive to my city and is ready to make a long and dangerous trip. I too would want, that you have arrived to my city. In our city there is an airport, but it is not international. It is possible to do flight of our city only up to Moscow. And from Moscow it is already possible to depart to any country of the world. The close international airport to be in the city of Krasnoyarsk.
Also I very much wished to visit your city, to learn your city that you have shown your sights.
I need to be near to you, to feel heat of your body, tenderness of your hands, to feel your stupefying smell, to thaw in your embraces, to feel taste of your kisses. I had a necessity to fall asleep and wake up near to you, to caress you and to understand that to you pleasantly that I do.
Now I cannot present, how I could so long to live without you?! And how to live in general without you? Still never, before acquaintance to you, I could not feel heat and pleasure in a shower only that a number is someone who can simply sit and look at you, iron on a head or embrace, and to ask nothing, about what to not ask.
I would like to be pleased together with you when at you all is good, to long, when something is impossible, to feel the necessary person in your life. You - the most good, light, kind, that happen with me lately. No. Not so. Not lately, and in general in my life.
Favourite if suddenly will cease to burn the Sun - you to heat me better it. If suddenly stars to hide for the Moon - you will manage to present me such romanticism which and has not dreamed them. Believe to me, Favourite, only with you Stars and Oceans smile to us the Sun. And when we shall be together, no elements will separate us. Because we with you - strong elements from all elements.
Letter 11
How are you doing? I hope all well. I have bad news. I cannot write to you some days. Our Internet-cafe is closed for some days for technical reasons. There can be on June, 12th I can write to you. I shall think of you. You do not worry, I shall write at once as soon as I can.
Letter 12
Hello my dear Jacopo!!!!
How are you doing? I hope you have fine mood. I today have fine mood because you have written to me. Your letters always cheer up. I always wait for your letters and when I see your letter, to me becomes warm on a shower. Yesterday my sister has brought home interesting film. It was film of horrors. I liked that film. Film referred to "" The puppeteer "". You looked this film. This film already old, but I it did not look. My sister works in shop on sales DVD and CD and consequently my sister can often take free of charge films home. But the most important that about it director of shop has not learned. I heard, that at my sister very strict directo