Female Scammer Irina Surina
E-mail: irinasurnina@rambler.ru
★★★★☆ 4 ratings     
Scam Danger:
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Details |
First Name: | Irina |
Location [Address]: | MOSKOVSKII PROSPEKT 27, Apartm Cheboksary (Russia) |
Age: | 30 |
Birth Date: | |
Aliases: | Ira, Irena, Irene, Irinka, Iri |
Reports :
Letter 1
Hi Les!!! It is very pleasant for me to receive from you the letter. I do not know even as it to explain, but I did not think, that you to me write and now I at all do not know from what to start to write to you the letter. Give so, I shall tell a little about myself and if I shall be really interesting to you also you ask to me the questions and I shall answer them. I want to tell to you, what in this first letter to you I shall tell about myself, it is good Les? At once I want to tell, that I have been warned by that people from the Internet get acquainted with young girls that this girl has sent them the naked photo. Understand, that I am very serious in creating our relations with you and I never I shall send a naked photo to you. I shall be frank in all letters and I shall demand the same relation to, on the equal rights of the man and the woman. I hope, that it is clear for you Les! Well I shall tell to you a little about myself and that I present as the person. To me of 29 years and my day a birth on April, 15 1977. At me brown eyes if you see I very seldom I use cosmetics and I do not like to render a lot of cosmetics on the person. My growth of 170 centimeters. I want to tell, that I the open girl for all conversations.I never was for the husband and now I want to get acquainted with you for this purpose, to understand as far as we approach each other. My former relations with the man from Russia were short, I was disappointed in it. To itself the man on the Internet for my acquaintance also has decided to look. I work as the doctor and my work takes away from me a lot of time and forces. So, that I ask to be patient with me as I shall write to you time to 1-2 days. Even at the work I constantly watch the taste and I try to be always in the form and a tone. To go to work as the doctor to me it was necessary to study at university and only having finished university I began to work from hospital. Also to pay my university to me it was necessary to work much to pay my study. I sold ice-cream, I was the croupier in a casino. Understand Les, that I had not to choose in work as my parents could not pay my study and I had to work independently. At school I 5 years was engaged in volleyball and was at city competitions. I am able to be pleased lives, in the life I had to meet a deceit much and consequently I shall not allow to deceive myself. I heard, that it is a lot of people on the Internet deceive and consequently are afraid to get acquainted. I do not know even how to explain, but I for the first time on the Internet. My girlfriend which also has got acquainted with the American came here to Russia (now Maria lives with the husband in America) and has shown me how to get acquainted with you after that she has left has wished me successes in undertaking acquaintance to you Les. She is very happy with which this person call Michael. Her name Maria, and her husband call Michael Ring, he is rather known person in the circles. Now they are very happy they have got married and have two beautiful children. I liked Maria's experience and consequently I have decided to write to you the letter. I do not know as you on it will react, but I would like to know your opinion on this account. On it I shall finish the letter Les and I shall wait for your letter with impatience. Therefore as you have woken in me hope, that we can be special to each other. If you it is valid so consider, I wait for your letter on this box CATSURNINA@RAMBLER.RU I shall wait, that you to me write, yours faithfully Irina! P.S. I want to tell only, that my knowledge of the Internet are very small. My girlfriend from America also has shown me how to insert the photos. I hope, that you see it. Also I ask you ask the questions in your letter do not hesitate. I am very much interested in our relations. Would like to know your full name also! №2 Hi my friend Les! Was very glad to see your letter. It was very pleasant to receive again the letter from you. I hope, that you do not object to my questions which I now I shall set. Because that we continued between us the correspondence very important as far as the person can listen to you and turn to you attention. And so my first question, what I would like to know than you are engaged in general? Your work? Than particularly you are engaged? Your hobbies? What would you like to make in a life? Why I ask on such with a kind simple questions attention. Because when you will start answer them I can to understand about you vital representation as you behave and in the life. I wanted you to inform, that I use services of the translator. And please I very much ask to be patient to me because when you ask any question and I do not answer on it I ask you that you to me about it have asked more particularly. I think that our age to each other are acceptable. I want to create family with the man, at which big vital experience that I felt with it myself quietly. I was disappointed in young men because all of them deceive the women, and all of them change to the wives. And the man which has already passed a stage of such age, and has had been ill with it, may make the woman happy and will love only her. Now I shall tell to you a little about the work. At once I shall tell, that it very much the tough job and demands the big attention in relation to other people. I work as the doctor. And main my duty is service of the personnel that my patients were under correct supervision of their attending physicians. My fellow workers also are considered with me and with my correct decisions when to me my work is necessary to do. It happens, that from my patients I should accept flowers as that their treatment has passed fruitfully and very successfully when they did not hope at all for such result. I watch that all was carried out in conformity with rules of the schedule from A up to Z. You understand Les, that I on the work should be firm with the patients and the personnel but when you are houses simply would like tenderness of love and caress from loved the man. Frequently when I am I am free on the days off like to read fiction. At me not so big library of a house and I frequently take books from city library to fill the life the fine moments. I do not like to waste time simply and never I do any acts before I shall not think of it well. Very important value which I adhere "Be dear and respect opinions of others (let even they do not deserve it)". Now you understand Les why I have decided to write only to you? I respect opinion of other person and I think, that the criticism is a good thing which sets the person thinking that you do, and whether correctly you do it. I allow to you small representation about that what I there is actually that have a little understood, that I for the person. I hope, that you write to me and will tell to me more about myself directly. Thanks for your attention. On it I shall stop, and I shall write to you later. Yours faithfully in all sincerity, Irina Surnena №3 How are you doing Les? I hope, what at you all is good? I again and again receive your letter and I am joyful, that I can write to the person who is somewhere very far. At us now the Spring also is such time, when from This such time when thaws a snow kidneys on trees birds are dismissed sing. I shall tell to you about myself. My period of the childhood was very severe, but not rigid as my parents gave me a lot of attention. I was the only child in family and consequently to not have brothers and sisters. My education was not absolutely modern at that time, but my parents of me never beat and tried to give in all to me understanding of world around. My mother Belief until recently worked in a kindergarten where she worked as the cook and prepared for a meal for children. She was considered as the good expert of the class and was very much appreciated. Now my mother Belief works in security agency, until recently. And as work of the woman in Russia is not appreciated (at all female work here is not appreciated) pay very little. My father Alexander has died when to me there were 8 years. Has died on work when pulled out from fire the little girl, my father worked as the fireman. He has rescued this the girl from fire, but unfortunately itself could not escape. It was very hard to recollect it. When similar things occur to your close people it remains for all life. Probably therefore I have decided to go on such trade as the doctor to help people. You now know some details of my life and I want to tell to you about myself in more detail and than I like to be engaged. I very much like dialogue with people and consequently from everyone with you letters I try to take something good for myself. Understanding of the person very important for me. I like to dance and on a regular basis I I see off gymnastics to watch for the figure. I do not like to use also a lot of cosmetics, I think, that the natural beauty is much better than use of any cosmetics. Sometimes with friends and fellow workers I can afford rest and we go in a wood and there we do shish kebabs or we collect mushrooms and berries. I certainly can dare to go in such days of rest on a disco, but I do not like music. I give in music the preference to such great musicians as Bethoven. I very much like its composition "the Lunar sonata" if you did not hear necessarily listen to it Les. I in general like classical and tool music. This music gains, except for that is pleasant on hearing. In the childhood I even tried to write verses and at me rather not badly it turned out. Probably I shall send you some my products if it to you will be valid interestingly. I already spoke, that I do not like to waste time simply and therefore I occupy time from a decline and till a dawn. I very much like to prepare for such dish (you probably heard about it) as Russian pel'menis. This very tasty dish. I also can cook to you and the Ukrainian borshch, but some products that I was able to do it in domestic conditions are necessary for all these dishes. It is really very tasty when you prepare. My mother speaks, that I would be left by the quite good cook and I could earn good money somewhere at restaurant. But I have chosen for myself absolutely other trade. You know, we do not presume to buy phone or a computer and consequently I write to you from the Internet of cafe which it is a lot of at us in city. I also shall give my address on which I live with my mother. You can see it. my full home address: My full name Irina Surnina street: MOSKOVSKII PROSPEKT 27 Apartment 43 city CHEBOKSARY postal index 428015 Country Russia Probably at me the address as my mother wants to change an apartment on cheaper for payment will exchange, but I in any case shall inform to you about it. You know Les? I could call to you if knew your phone number. I shall try to receive the salary next week to try to talk to you. If I receive the salary I shall by all means inform to you about it and we can agree when to me to call to you. But I am usual can call only in the evening on time. On it I shall finish the letter and I shall wait tomorrow for your letter. Take care Les! Your friend Irina Surnina! №4 Hi the my dear friend Les! And again I receive from you the letter. And you know, I am glad to this letter from you Les. Dialogue with you is interesting to me, I think, that it is very interesting to communicate with you. My day today has passed not absolutely well as it would be desirable, I had on work to see a unpleasant case. It happens in many countries and cities of our world, but I can tell it to you. Very pleasant nurse works for us at which houses of a problem with the husband. Their relations have developed after a marriage not so well and after she had to give birth to the child, their relations only were complicated also distances an appreciable crack in their relations. This the nurse call Natasha, and husband Vasily. This Vasily anywhere does not work also our dear employee Natasha very much suffers because of it. And today when Vasily has come on work in a state of intoxication, started to demand money that, he could calm the thirst one more bottle of an alcoholic drink. But our Natasha on all egos of the requirement to give him of money has refused. And this the man (I do not have words such as I could name him) Was threw on the wife and started to beat our kind and good Natasha. We the female collective of hospital had late time, therefore Natasha has received some serious traumas from the husband. And when there has arrived police to take away Vasily his wife Natasha has run out and has risen before a policeman that they could not take away his husband. I recollect it with a pain. I very much understand Natasha, she loved the husband and could do nothing with it. While her husband used her. I against such relations. I think, that it is very bad when the husband in a similar way uses the wife for the similar purposes. Natasha for its love is very a pity to me. She sincerely likes and does not notice bad things which her husband does. You understand Les, that I only want to have the man which would give me only the love. I have more than anything from it it is not necessary. I would protect it so, that any trouble has not happened to him. Therefore I am not interested to have the man in Russia. I cannot rely on such the man and if I to not have any trust to the husband as I can trust such to the man? I would not want to love such the man. And consequently when I had long acquaintance to the guy. We met him 1,5 years, he started to use my trust in the bad purposes and I had to leave this person. My disappointment in the Russian men is very great, and consequently I have decided to get acquainted with you. I think, that it is good, that I have got acquainted with you Les. I to read the first time such well mail from you to me very much it I am pleasant the nobility that it is possible to like to find in the Internet very much I the love I to want it and to dream, when I it{her} shall not find also me to not frighten a difference in years and you?? Yes me do not consider equal employment in mine the country I very much to wish to work in other country I to dream both volume but it only dreams I to want what it to sell I to trust in miracles. I am very good to prepare to love the hen. In coffee it is impossible to do another the program it very much here dearly at me there is no such a big money to allow a good photo to want I still. I know, that is possible sometime you ask me about arrival in your country. And you already know, that I cannot with afford it to arrive to you. I also know about many a case when women from Russia deceive men from other countries and consequently I shall never ask your money. That there were no questions on mistrust. I saw people which life is very rich, but they are not so happy and now I understand, that I the girl who earns to itself of money and let it a little, but I to know, that I can be pleased lives, help for a life the to mother. I understand necessity of money, but it not the main thing for me. There are vital values for me which at the cost much more surpass money. And I shall be glad to know, that you also concern to the that person who appreciates not money, namely feelings. I ask to forgive me if I something have offended in the letter, I sincerely did not want it to do. But on it I shall finish the letter to you Les. Thanks that you have read this letter. You for me are more than the friend. Always yours faithfully for you Irina!