Female Scammer Kalila Mustafa

Kalila Mustafa

Female Scammer Kalila Mustafa

E-mail: kalilamustafa2014@hotmail.com
 4 ratings     

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First Name: Kalila
Location [Address]:
Age: 29
Birth Date: 1/1/1990
Kalila Mustafa

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-Original Message-
My dear,its me here. How are you doing there ? I have just finished my work and come here to write you a letter :) Could you provide me with phone number where you could be reached during the week ? My family have left for Odessa this morning, we had very good birthday party here and i think that it was the best birthday party i ever had.I wish you were here for my birthday and it would be the best gift for me. I told about you to my family and they were very interested in you,because they have seen my shining eyes and father told to me that if it is because of you,he is very glad to you, i was very upset after divorce but now i am happy. You know,mother asked a lot of questions about you also, about your life there,they were very surprise that we get to know each other throw Internet and father told to me that if we are good for each other in writings,it seems we should be good in person,because it is very important to have an opportunity to share my private world with man that close to me.I think that we could get in person and to check how couple able we are,by this way i will be trying to figure out about vacation here and we will make steps,i will let you know as soon as i have any news about it.Could you give me the name of the closest airport which is the most comfortable to pick me up ? also please provide me with your full address just in case,i will give you my address with the next letter,i need to check my zip code. My family would like to meet you some day and mother told to me that if you would like to visit Odessa we can go there to meet my family :) thank you for congratulations,it is very pleasure to me, you touched my heart and you know how to make a compliment that is really true compliment,i like you for that.We had birthday party at home and i cooked on Sunday,mother helped me with that, she is a cook and teached me Japaneese kitchen and i know how to do it now,she works as a cheef cook for Japaneese restaurants in Odessa,she is a very good cook :) By this way she teached me to cook from the age i begun to walk :) I am going to attach a picture with her,she told to me that when i will be 49 years old,i would look like as her,she is very beautiful for her age :) By this way when you meet a woman and just look at her mother,it will show you what is waiting for you in 21 years after that :) I am 29 now,but i feel like i am 19 only, it is because we get to know each other.My brother send you all his best regards,his name is Kostya and he is going to marry in Autumn,but i have not seen his bridge yet.My girlfriends are very happy for us and would like to meet you one day also.It was very nice birthday party and i have a lot of positive emotions to share with you,every one wish you were here and it would bring much more happiness to my home.Father got a new dress for me,it is beautiful and i wish to put it in and go out with you some where :) would you like me to do it ? :) Tomorrow i have to work for emergency and by this way i need to sleep, may be i will see you in my dream ? will you come to me ? LOL do you like to swim ?



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