Female Scammer Licker Ishme

Licker Ishme

Female Scammer Licker Ishme

E-mail: lickerishme@yandex.ua
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Licker
Location [Address]:
Age: 29
Birth Date: 9/5/1988
Licker Ishme

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Licker Ishme

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Licker Ishme

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Licker Ishme

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Licker Ishme

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Licker Ishme

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Licker Ishme

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Licker Ishme

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Licker Ishme

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Licker Ishme

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Licker Ishme

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Licker Ishme

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Licker Ishme

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Licker Ishme

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Licker Ishme

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Licker Ishme

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Licker Ishme

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Licker Ishme

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Licker Ishme

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Licker Ishme

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Reports :

-Original Message-
Darling, I am very glad to receive your new letter. Your letters to me bring a lot of pleasure. I am very glad that you don't cease to write to me! Darling, I would like to tell to you that today I haven't had time to descend in post office as at me was a lot of work. Darling, I hope that you understand me! Darling, today at me was very much an unlucky day on work, and I am very strongly tired. At present to me it is difficult to you I would like to tell to live in England or not as I never was in other countries. Tell to me, you look dreams at night? Or to you to dream nothing at night? Yesterday I had a fine dream. How we with you sunbathed on a beach and helped one another to put on a body a cream for sunburn. Not to describe that feeling when you to iron my back a cream. I was happy! Tell to me of what you think? Of what you dream? That would like? I don't know why, but I am assured that I can trust you any, secret. And consequently I from you don't have any secrets! You know all. I hope that you as don't have secrets from me. By the way my friend asked to transfer you the greetings and congratulations. I hope that you, you receive them together with my air kiss which I send you. I will wait for your letter tomorrow. I already miss you and your letter.



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