Female Scammer Nadezhda 


Female Scammer Nadezhda 

E-mail: nad.1981nadi@gmail.com
 10 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Nadezhda
Location [Address]: unknown Perm (Russia)
Age: 33
Birth Date:
Aliases: Nada, Nadejda, Nadenka, Nadia,

Reports :


This lady contacted me via Yahoo personals. we communicated for sometimes and the she asked me money. i sent her a total of 530 USD. once she recieved the money she dispeared.i did not realise that she was on another website. until i stumbled across it. this lady is dangerous and nagging. i would want to warn everyother men not to fall on her tricks. i have all my reciepts and western union money transfer, i complained to yahoo personal and she was kicked out of the site.i have that record too.i have copy of her passport and 22 picture photos which she sent me. A piece of correspondence with her. The man writes: i have sent 140 $. today.plse i dont understand your point. what is the ticket price: 330 + 140 = 470 or 330 + 470 = 800 or 19588 Roubles what is the price of the ticket. i just dont get it. i have sent 140 to make it 470 . change the date of departure Nadya, make changes. why are you Mr.? and Not Ms. are you a man? i will give you more details as soon as you reply. but im not happy. if the ticket is 800 then you gave me a short notice to get 470 . i dont have much money.im very very sad . what exactly is the ticket price? 800, 19588 roubles or 470 .i dont get it. .................................................................... The girl's letter: Good morning my lovely. I love you so very much, and I completely love you. I want to be love in your life for other part of our lives. You are a unique person ever in this world which has forced me to feel like similarly to, I make and I know, that I have found you, the most beautiful, loving and the caring person with whom I want to be for other part of my life. I want be itself capable to hold you and to observe, that you give a smile. I want to bring happiness by your life and to make sure, that you are always happy regardless of the fact that happens in daily life. If you have bad day, I want be capable to force you to overlook bad and a smile as we shall have each other and it is the account. I really want and I need in you so very much, and I hope, that you will always want me. I want you as mine the man in my life and I hope, that you want me as unique the person in your life. I want to tell to you my lovely, that we cannot already play for time with payment tickets, I already to give $330 for process of registration and partial payment of the order. It is necessary more likely make payment as at once you to write to me and to have translation, I at once to have payment both to have the ticket and to go in the city of Moscow, on Moscow I to have money at once. It is necessary to be in time till 28.06. to me already it is necessary to go in the city of Moscow, it is last day departure, and aboard the plane to you, it is last day, and it is necessary to have payment for the ticket completely for the ticket aboard the plane, instead of parts as at us, you want to put me in bad position on the airport, it to be absolutely unpleasant to me if to be what that problems about my departure, I simply to not know that I to make. I ask you to have an opportunity to send means necessary now for the ticket to you, and I could 28.06. go easy in the city of Moscow and to fly to you soon to see you and me together and ours the perfect life together. Beloved, I want, that we had the most perfect, beautiful life together. I want, that you have told to me all of them from the basis of your heart and you have what desires in a life. Please be very open and fair, with what your feeling about it as it really means much for me. I want to know so that I could make sure, that your desires are executed and that you are happy. I hope, that if you want to know that - that about a way which I feel about things irrespective of the fact how burial or confusing they could seem, that I shall always answer you openly and fairly. I never want, that we had secrets from each other, and I shall always speak you, that is on my opinion irrespective of about what the subject is. I love you, form my heart, and I never felt this way about whom - or still before, and it injures to not be together with you as I really also want your body and flesh which will be pressed against mine. I want to feel your contact of love and your soft skin as we cover each other. I hope, that all wants, I have for you in my life, the same, wants as that you wish for me. I see our meeting already in my dreams, already two times to see as on real, and we stand on a place and to not have movement, to us to remain one day of flight and I to see you in the person, soon hunting. I to wait at once from you your letter, it is necessary for us for flight of me to you of $470, for tickets and for gathering the airport, I to write to you at once about it, you should know such questions who from us the man I or you, and for I want to tell to you that you to overlook about gathering from the airport. Nadya. #2 ..................................................................................................................................... Greetings my prince. I have received e-mail from you so I am really glad also happy from your word and idea to me. Now evening already at us and me it is necessary to go soon, I shall look at your words tomorrow. I to understand you and I shall be make the order at once as you to send me translation, it is necessary 470 more, I hope you remember it. You to speak about tomorrow, well... I shall wait, only tomorrow I cannot receive, there will be a day off, I can only on Monday and at once write to you. Only I to not understand a little, about what your lie to me you to mean, tell to me also, I to not understand. All right, I shall wait and I shall think of you and about us is close. I continue to think of when I can hold you in my hands and feeling which will pass my body at our meeting with you soon. I know, that you beautiful, kind, loving and care the man, and I love you so very much and I want, that you so very much were in my life for ever. Only the letter to you and reading, that you have written to me, has forced me to feel like very happy. I can only make it is short e-mail to you tonight my beloved as I still should go now, I shall prepare to prepare later which I prepare creamy a thigh of a chicken of a lemon rice. And many vegetables I shall extinguish on pairs, it is very useful and it is tasty. I should tell while, but I know, that I shall have a smile only from reading your other letters. Love you always yours Nadya. #3 ............................................................................................................................... Greetings my Beloved. Many thanks for your fine e-mail. I really know, that you are one person whom I love and I want from this world. I always believed, that one person in this world for me was, and now I have found you, I never want to allow to go to you. Only sending you sends by e-mail and reading, that you write, has made me very happy back. A unique thing, which make me happier, will be be capable to hold you close to me. I am glad, that I can see yours the daddy, the sister and family also. I would like to like all of them. You speak me about work as you tell to me so I and to make, we shall talk then, all right. Also I am glad, that I can be the student and we can prolong my 30 days at you, it is simply good for us. About Australia also it is interesting to me as you speak, to me to like. I - the most successful and happy girl in detection of my true love in you and I want to thank you for to be that person. We have some obstacles to prevail, but I really there will be, that we shall prevail of them and together. I shall always worry about you in love, a sensitive way which will be the best love with which you ever collided. Only me writing this e-mail as, that I think, sends pricked through my body in knowledge, that I have found you. I know, that we would be perfect together, as you - my divine angel, which has been placed in the ground to finish my life. You are mine a man with the big love and caring in your heart, and I so very pleased, that you have offered me all love which you have. When I speak words, I LOVE YOU, they arrive from my heart, and it means, that I love you with each thing which I have. I love you so very much in emotional side, that we have already and we want, that you were here with me so I can give you to all my physical love also. My imagination leaves from me sometimes as I think of you putting near me in a bed, and we - both naked pleasure the friend the friend. I also think of circulation on a beach, holding your hand early in the morning as increases of the sun after beautiful night with you. I to not speak you, that is necessary more, only $ 470, at me is $ 330 and I to not spend anything from this money for tickets, it is not necessary more, I simply want to warn you, that is necessary to operate more correctly and to have economy everywhere, I simply speak you, that can be during fast time downturn a rate dollar in Russia and to be expensive the prices, soon, instead of now, the hope that we to have time and we shall order to me the ticket aboard the plane soon. You - and only love those for me, and I really want and I need in you. I want, that we were happy in ours relations and liked each other deeply and significantly for other part of our lives. I wait impatiently to read your following e-mail, so while my Very sweet Love. All my love Nadya. #4 ........................................................................................................................... Greetings my lovely. Thanks for your mail and your pictures of a house, very beautifully to like me very much, I am simply healthy and to not think, that can be so beautifully and a kind at our house and inside, you have also player DVD, that we shall look in the first evening, what film. Yes, I want to give you my full address and to write my full name. Russia , 424000, Yoshkar-Ola, Michurina the house 40, an apartment 64, Nadezhda Pirogova. hether you ask me I can to teach gymnastics and aerobics, I also can also messages children's groups, I already to speak you earlier, that I to have experience in it here in Russia. Thanks you what to have the care of me and about our future and to search to me work, I to understand you, that if that we can prolong that my visa, thanks you, I am glad, that you to tell about it both to think of me and to give me my dreams of us together. You are always on my opinion, and my dreams of you seem so very real. The more I think and I dream of you, the more and more and more I want you. I never felt this way about any person before, that means for me, that you are a person, which is intended to be in my life. You - true and only for me, my true love in a life. You - love in my heart which forces it to beat, and you - what always touch my soul so very gently. My dreams of us being together feel like so real, is exact just as you were in a room while I dreamed. I want to hold your hand while we go down from street or on a beach. I want to hold you close to me. I want to touch you so gently. I want to kiss your lips. I want to kiss you on all an extent. I want make passionate love to you. I want to show you as far as I LOVE YOU in the person. I want make you happy. I want to force you to smile. I want to embrace you. I want to sleep about you. I want to be always with you. I want to be there for you always. It - only the part from mine to want the list which I have for you. You have filled in my heart your love and happiness. You force me to feel like similarly to you, there was an absent love to my life, and I am strongly very happy, that I have found you, that and only I love on the other hand planets. I think, that it - outside of this world which we have met but then I think that is all has been intended to be. I now should go and I shall wait your letter to me, and your question why I to not write, to not be access to a computer, and you what to think. Well... Thanks you what to tell your friends about me, I hope we will have friends and in Australia also, and our family. I WANT NEED AND I LOVE YOU. LOVE YOU SO. Yours Nadezhda.



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