Female Scammer Pamela Edge

Pamela Edge

Female Scammer Pamela Edge

E-mail: pamelaedge35@gmail.com
 4 ratings     

Scam Danger: 


First Name: Pamela
Location [Address]: Canada
Age: 35
Birth Date: 11.02.1988
Pamela Edge

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Reports :

---Original Message---

Letter 1

Hello again! How are you today? Thank you so much for your letter. Your attention really means a lot to me, and I’m very curious to learn more about you and your life! Your sweet words keep making me melt, just like ice cream :) You really know how to choose your words and impress a girl! If I could, I’d give you a massage after work so you could relax! This weekend, I’m planning to visit my mother and spend some time with her.
Thanks again for the photo! You're very handsome! Today, I finished work earlier than usual because we’re celebrating a holiday here in our country. It’s a day dedicated to love, devotion, and family. Moments like these really make me feel lonely, though. My best friend Elena already has two kids and a wonderful husband, and she’s the same age as me! I love children, but I’m not in a rush. It’s not because I’m afraid of responsibility, I just don’t feel strong enough for it yet. Also, I want my children to have a real father. I can’t let myself repeat my own childhood experience. But enough about that.
I haven’t told you much about my job yet. I work as an administrator in a beauty salon. Sometimes it’s hard to work all day, but I love what I do. I enjoy meeting new people and helping them feel beautiful and confident. It’s so rewarding to see a customer leave happy and satisfied. On especially busy days, I sometimes work late. During those times, the girls and I often chat and gossip ? But sometimes, I do get really tired. I have to smile when I want to cry, be polite even when the visitors are irritable or difficult. I always try to look fashionable, with gorgeous hair and makeup. I take good care of myself every day, so I can look like a queen no matter the situation.
I also go to the gym 3-4 times a week, which helps me stay energetic throughout the week. I used to dream of taking a month off to just have fun and travel abroad ? I’ve told you before that I graduated from the Tula Social and Economic Institute, but I’ve found that working in the beauty services industry is what I enjoy most. That’s why I studied English and tried to find a job related to my profession, but I haven’t had much luck. Either the work was too monotonous or the salary wasn’t enough to attract me. But I’m not complaining. I’m building my own future, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
Oh, Richard, I’ve written so much today… now it’s your turn! Wishing you a great day, and take care!
Pamela Edge
P.S. I think you’ll like my new pictures =))

Letter 2

Hi, my friend! Thank you so much for all the kind words! I guess all that time I spend at the gym is paying off :) It’s truly wonderful to hear such admiration from a nice man. Thank you again! God bless your mom! I’m so happy she has been able to live to such a great age, and I wish her all the best!
I really like the way you describe how you start and end your day — it sounds so peaceful and thoughtful. Today, I’ve been thinking a lot about you. It’s so great that I’ve met you!
By the way, my phone isn’t working again. It’s a Chinese copy of the iPhone, and I’ve dropped it twice already. I was tempted by the low price, but I ended up spending more money fixing it than it’s worth. Now I don’t want to spend any more rubles on it! Maybe I’ll give it to my goddaughter. She loves playing with my phone, so maybe that’s what caused the break! But I’m not angry at her — how could I be mad at a child?
I hope everything is going well for you today. I wanted to ask, have you ever communicated with someone online before? Do you have any experience with it? I’ve tried a couple of times, but it didn’t work out. It wasn’t that there was anything wrong with those people, we just didn’t understand each other. And understanding each other is so important in any relationship, don’t you think?
What qualities do you value most in a girl? Is it only about physical attraction, or do you think it’s important to have other skills, like cooking, creating a comfortable home, and taking care of a man at night, for example? Personally, I think I possess the qualities of a good partner — my mom raised me to be a hardworking, caring, and supportive person. I’m a good cook (I hope, LOL), and I always try to take care of myself, so my man can be proud of me. But what I really need is a man by my side to try my best for.
In return, I expect my man to be my protector and my most trusted companion. I want him to be someone with whom I can do everything — from having fun to facing challenges — and someone I would go to the ends of the earth for, without hesitation.
If we ever meet in person one day, what would you want to do together? How do you imagine a perfect date? I have a million ideas, but I’d love to make sure that our thoughts align ?
Richard, I’m so sorry, but I can’t write any more today. It’s getting late, and I have to go. Next time, I’ll write more. You’re always in my thoughts.
Take care,
Your friend,
Pamela Edge



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